Getting to Zero on Climate Change

February 7, 2019 | "Getting to Zero on Climate Change" with Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation and author of Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy

Preventing dangerous climate change is an "area under the curve" problem, as total emissions over time must not exceed a trillion tons of carbon. The imperative, then, is focusing on strategies that offer speed and scale in carbon reduction. Ten policies, applied to 20 countries, can land us at a reasonable climate future.

This talk by Hal Harvey lays out the policies that can put us on the path to a low-carbon future, describe the design elements that ensure success, and apply this focus on the "four zeros" –a zero-carbon grid, zero-emissions vehicles, zero-net-energy buildings, and zero-waste manufacturing.

Hal Harvey is the CEO of the policy firm Energy Innovation, and recently published Designing Climate Solutions, a comprehensive guide on energy policy in a carbon-constrained world. He was founder and CEO of Energy Foundation, and helped establish Energy Foundation China, the European Climate Foundation, and the Indian Sustainable Energy Foundation. Hal was appointed to panels by Presidents Bush (41) and Clinton, is a senior fellow for energy and the environment at the Paulson Institute, and received the Heinz Award for the Environment in 2016 as well as the UN Clean Air and Climate Change Award in 2018. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees from Stanford University.