
Protecting Your Identity Brochure

Steps to help protect you from identity theft, the fraudulent use of personal data such as your Social Security number or passport information.

Compliance Hotline Brochure

Describes a confidential voicemail service that allows faculty and staff to call with questions and concerns about University business practices.

Compliance Hotline Poster

Describes a confidential voicemail service that allows faculty and staff to call with questions and concerns about University business practices.

RMAS brochures are provided for local units at Harvard as a reference guide or for training. Simply click on the brochure and follow the printing instructions below. If you would like copies of the Hotline brochure or Hotline poster, please Contact Us (not available to print).

How to Print PDF Brochures:

  1. Be sure the "Choose Paper Source by PDF size" box is checked.
  2. Click on "Properties," and choose the "Finishing" tab.
  3. Check the "Print on Both Sides" and "Flip Pages Up" boxes.
  4. Click "OK."